Welcome to our awesome blog full of nerdy-ness. We are just two amazingly nerdy best friends who love everything nerdy. Remember: Run you clever boy and remember (Doctor Who), Its leviOsa not levioSA (Harry Potter), What the hell is a hufflepuff (very potter musical) , and the cake is a lie (portal). Welcome to nerd-topia.... Warning: if you are not a nerd already this blog has a high chance of converting you so if you want to escape from the beautiful madness we love then you might want to run. Its to late for you now though. If you are reading to the end of this message then you are fully converted. Your welcome

Monday, May 27, 2013

True Story Of Nerdy Best Friendship

Think of that book. Your favorite book. The one that you have owned forever and read an uncountable number of time. That book is your ring (from lord of the rings). It is your precious. You never let anyone borrow that book. You don't even let your mother touch that book. Kitty had a book just like this. Fast forward a little to the beginning of her freshman year. For some reason unknown she has to stay after school and starts waiting by the door inside waiting for her mom. Over walks a short Ginger girl also waiting for some unknown reason. This girl is in Kittys biology class and out of boredom the two girls start talking. With in two minutes the girl are friends. And for some unknown reason (possibilities include concussion, heat stroke, and or an insanity level spike (higher than usual)) Kitty gives her precious to this girl. Months pass by and kitty gives this girl many tests of nerdy friendship. Doctor Who addict? Check. Harry Potter addict? Double Check! Very Potter Musical? Duh. Check!! The two become inseparable. Together they go to dances, sit at lunch, have countless fandom arguments. But through it all their friendship prevails. Even though the two have major differences such as Kitty is in Slytherin and Rose is in Ravenclaw they stick together over  through it all. Months later from the beginning of their journey Rose starts an awesome blog but keeps it in secret to make sure no one else will know its her. Then she make the decision to tell Kitty. While they had called each other best friends before this is the last major piece that seals in their friendship life long. All because of a single book. Also We totally became even better friends when we found out were both adicted to Doctor Who but I just figured that was implied with the blog and all.
Together we are never normal and never sane. And thats just how we love it. 

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