Welcome to our awesome blog full of nerdy-ness. We are just two amazingly nerdy best friends who love everything nerdy. Remember: Run you clever boy and remember (Doctor Who), Its leviOsa not levioSA (Harry Potter), What the hell is a hufflepuff (very potter musical) , and the cake is a lie (portal). Welcome to nerd-topia.... Warning: if you are not a nerd already this blog has a high chance of converting you so if you want to escape from the beautiful madness we love then you might want to run. Its to late for you now though. If you are reading to the end of this message then you are fully converted. Your welcome

Thursday, May 23, 2013

For Those Who Care...

To start this off I would just like to say I'm sorry. Look I know its been a while but.... girls gotta breath. And also Ap testing can be very time consuming. Now lets get to the big news. A few posts ago (okay like forever ago) on a Draco post I dedicated it to my best friend. Well since she is my best friend to the day I die I've decided to make her Nerd Partys new author. She will be joining me at this awesome party and we will continue to search the internet to find the best and most nerdy things to find. We also may be starting something new which should come later this month. NO SPOILERS. 
Welcome her with nerdy love 

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