Welcome to our awesome blog full of nerdy-ness. We are just two amazingly nerdy best friends who love everything nerdy. Remember: Run you clever boy and remember (Doctor Who), Its leviOsa not levioSA (Harry Potter), What the hell is a hufflepuff (very potter musical) , and the cake is a lie (portal). Welcome to nerd-topia.... Warning: if you are not a nerd already this blog has a high chance of converting you so if you want to escape from the beautiful madness we love then you might want to run. Its to late for you now though. If you are reading to the end of this message then you are fully converted. Your welcome

Friday, May 31, 2013

Time Lord Technology Everywhere

So you learned to use the potty?

Today in my acting class we were doing monologues and I did Draco's letter to his father from A Very Potter Musical Sequel. I was a great Draco, I even learned to use the potty!! Lol

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Everything I Am Afraid Of Because Of Doctor Who

Any statue 
Unknown internet hot spots 
Random cold spots 

Pretty much anything random 

Amazing Doctor Drawings

Source: becausecoffeeandstuff on tumbler

Poems of Nerdieness

I declare a time war.
Daleks scream “EXTERMINATE”.
The Doctor died and Silence Fell.
there he goes back in time.
saving everybody’s lives.
grab her hand and whisper “Run.””


Look what Rose drew the other day! Isn't she a wonderfully talented artist? I could never draw this good. Rose has much to teach me. Thank you Rose! You are fantastic!!

Dress Like River Song. In Every Occasion

Tomorrow May 31, 2013 is River Songs 5 year anniversary from her first appearance in "Silence in the Library". Happy Doctor Who anniversary Melody!!! For Song Day take a couple fashion tips from her and wear them in her honor. 
She started out rough....

But boy did she improve!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What Do You Think?

I think the angel would move closer because the angel would have to look away from the silence for it to forget. 

Roses Fandom ID

So I took a 50 question fandom test because I was extremely bored. While I agree with some of them I do not agree with all that it turned out to be. First of all, Gryffindor? I guess I must be in a Hermione Granger situation. You know.. Hermione Granger was meant to be a Ravenclaw but the hat knew Harry would need her help and friendship so it placed her in Gryffindor. That must be it. I'm okay with the hunger games because I love farming though I wouldn't like to suffer from malnutrition. Twilight is wrong all on its own because they are not Werewolves. They are just shape shifters that only shift to wolves. They are like animaguses (or is it animagi? whats the plural of animagus?). Lord of the rings is fine but why couldn't I be a woman. Or are they refering to the human species? If so they should really say human to help confusion. I will not even talk about that stupid star wars (though if i had to be one Jedi would be fine). Divergent has got me spot on. In Percy Jackson I would be a Demigod? Hell to the yah I would be. But look in Dr. Who I AM THE FREAKING DOCTOR. Delirium.. Well I don't think I would be cured just not fully diseased yet.
Take the test and share what you got. Do you agree with the results? Tell us in the comments!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dress Like A Weeping Angel... Don't Worry You Wont Turn Into One

Now you people better like this because I almost died getting it for you.
Also ever angel shown in this is a figurine not a real angel so you will not be harmed.

For Prom...

 For Amazing Night Out 

 For Every Fabulous Day...

Come At Me, Bro!!! Funny Gifs (its pronounced Jiff)

Today was boring and I really needed a laugh. While I absolutly hate people saying things like yolo, bro, swag (and a whole more list of terms that I might write down later) stuff like this does make me laugh a lot.

Monday, May 27, 2013

True Story Of Nerdy Best Friendship

Think of that book. Your favorite book. The one that you have owned forever and read an uncountable number of time. That book is your ring (from lord of the rings). It is your precious. You never let anyone borrow that book. You don't even let your mother touch that book. Kitty had a book just like this. Fast forward a little to the beginning of her freshman year. For some reason unknown she has to stay after school and starts waiting by the door inside waiting for her mom. Over walks a short Ginger girl also waiting for some unknown reason. This girl is in Kittys biology class and out of boredom the two girls start talking. With in two minutes the girl are friends. And for some unknown reason (possibilities include concussion, heat stroke, and or an insanity level spike (higher than usual)) Kitty gives her precious to this girl. Months pass by and kitty gives this girl many tests of nerdy friendship. Doctor Who addict? Check. Harry Potter addict? Double Check! Very Potter Musical? Duh. Check!! The two become inseparable. Together they go to dances, sit at lunch, have countless fandom arguments. But through it all their friendship prevails. Even though the two have major differences such as Kitty is in Slytherin and Rose is in Ravenclaw they stick together over  through it all. Months later from the beginning of their journey Rose starts an awesome blog but keeps it in secret to make sure no one else will know its her. Then she make the decision to tell Kitty. While they had called each other best friends before this is the last major piece that seals in their friendship life long. All because of a single book. Also We totally became even better friends when we found out were both adicted to Doctor Who but I just figured that was implied with the blog and all.
Together we are never normal and never sane. And thats just how we love it. 

We are all crazy

This is so true. I have tried introducing many people to my multiple fandoms but apparently those people are all too sane.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Few Kitty?

Please were not even over freshman year yet! 
We are still closer to him than to being old cat women!

I'm just a wee bit odd

Well this is going to be me in a few years. What about you guys? 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Hello sweeties!

Hello sweeties, I'm the new co-author Kitty =^_^=
Sorry I'm not as deep or experienced as Rose but with time I hope to get better. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

For Those Who Care...

To start this off I would just like to say I'm sorry. Look I know its been a while but.... girls gotta breath. And also Ap testing can be very time consuming. Now lets get to the big news. A few posts ago (okay like forever ago) on a Draco post I dedicated it to my best friend. Well since she is my best friend to the day I die I've decided to make her Nerd Partys new author. She will be joining me at this awesome party and we will continue to search the internet to find the best and most nerdy things to find. We also may be starting something new which should come later this month. NO SPOILERS. 
Welcome her with nerdy love 

Monday, May 13, 2013

How to Dress Like... Harrys Stag Patronus

Never thought you could dress like patronus did you. Well consider yourself mind blown 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hogwarts Will Always Welcome You Home....

I have to say this year has been really hard on me. For many reasons but its hard to know that there will never be another Harry Potter book or movie. If you are like me, you were born just four year before the first Harry Potter book came out. If you're like me, you grew up with harry potter learning to read from it and having it teach you so many things. For me the characters of Harry Potter were my first friends to a weird quirky girl who never had any. I grew up with Harrys bravery, Hermiones brains, and Rons quirky charm leading me through my dad leaving me, my mom getting really sick, and the ever present lack of good friends (till high school of course). I know its dumb to say that a book changed my life but it did. And now that J. K Rowling has ended the series I really do feel that something is missing. There will be no more staying up till midnight to finish the newest book, or waiting in line for hours to be the first ones to see the movie. Harry Potter was the connection that brought me and my best friend together. I will move on but just like J K Rowling said the story will never end. It will live on in my heart and in the hearts of millions of others.  Hogwarts will always welcome me home. 
Good Bye Harry Potter. I love you J.K. Rowling. You are my biggest hero. 

How to Dress Like... Harry Potter

Another shirt suggestion is Harry's infamous shirt that he has always worn seen below. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

How to dress like... Month

Now I never have been the most fashionable but I find that I am so much happier when my outfits are inspired. So this month I will show you how to dress like your favorite people. 
Without it being Halloween
- Alex

How to Dress Like a... Death Eater