Welcome to our awesome blog full of nerdy-ness. We are just two amazingly nerdy best friends who love everything nerdy. Remember: Run you clever boy and remember (Doctor Who), Its leviOsa not levioSA (Harry Potter), What the hell is a hufflepuff (very potter musical) , and the cake is a lie (portal). Welcome to nerd-topia.... Warning: if you are not a nerd already this blog has a high chance of converting you so if you want to escape from the beautiful madness we love then you might want to run. Its to late for you now though. If you are reading to the end of this message then you are fully converted. Your welcome

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Comic Con

So my best friend and I were talking about Doctor Who (which is the main core of our friendship) and we got talking about comic con. Now this has always been like the nerd mecca but we have never been allowed to go because our parents said we were to young and there was no way they were going to step foot in that place (they just don't get how awesome it is) so our young nerdy minds thought we would never get to go. Well we are 15 now and our parents agreed to let us go. The only problem is when we went to buy tickets we found our her parents had scheduled a family trip that weekend (something tells me they did this on purpose). But use being the smart little geeks we are noticed you could buy 2014 comic con tickets. We then forced our parents to buy them. So even though I will have to wait a year and a half (sadness) I'M GOING TO COMIC CON!!!!!!!!(Nerdness overflowing) We are so excited it will be so much fun I just don't think I can wait.

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